Acc1 responsables
Acc2a tatin
Acc1 responsables
Cont1 secrétariat
Cont1 secrétariat
Cont1 achats 3
Rev20 Comedy
Rev20 Comedy
Rev19 Chabanon
Rev18 Mal
Rev17 Querelles
Rev16 Oratorio
Rev15 Theatralite
Rev14 haendel
Rev13 hennin
Rev12 wagner
Rev11 debussy
Rev10 noverre
Rev9 gluck
Rev8 prokofiev
Rev7 haydn
Rev6 chabanon
Rev5 livret
Rev4 texte
Rev3 representations
Rev2 interpretation
Rev1 melanges
M1 Communications
M1 Communications
M1 Communications
M1 Communications
Rev3b bonnet
Rev3c naudeix
Rev3d silvio
Rev3e quetin
Rev3a preface
Rev3f gier
Rev3g cazaux
Rev3n loubinoux
Rev3l kondyli
Rev3k panighini
Rev3j angermuller
Rev3i guertin
Rev3h champonnois
Rev3 representations
Rev3m parodi

The story of Danaus and his fifty daughters is a Greek myth often quoted by ancient writers and notably treated in Aeschylus’s most famous tetralogy. The fable of the Danaids thus became a famous source of inspiration for French and Italian playwrights in the eighteenth century.

A comparison between five plays stemming from different genres but dealing with the same subject shows that there are strong links in terms of dramatic action, situations, roles and characters’ feelings. However, each artist gives a personal touch to his work, converting his creation according to the linguistic and theatrical models of the period.

The libretto for Les Danaides is based on Calzabigi’s drama. It was a very popular tragédie lyrique in 1784 and throughout the nineteenth century, not only for its musical content but also for the questions raised by the identity of the compositor and by the authorship of the libretto.

Migrations culturelles de l'histoire de la représentation aux XVIIIème et XIXème siècles en Europe

N° 3 l

Georgia Kondyli

Université de Tours

Les Danaïdes ou les migrations d'un mythe sur la scène du XVIIIème siècle

Jérome Bonnet
Jérome Bonnet - Arsinoe de Tammaso Stanzani

Laura Naudeix
Laura Naudeix - Présence de la tragédie en musique française

Sandrah Silvio
Sandrah Silvio - Style et technique des chanteuses lyriques italiennes

Laurine Quetin
Laurine Quetin - Réception de l'art lyrique italien en Russie


Albert Gier
Albert Gier - Zwischen Tragödie und Melodram

Chantal Cazaux
Chantal Cazaux - Gaetano Donizetti de Naples à Paris et Vienne

Gérard Loubinoux
Gérard Loubinoux - Castil-Blaze, héritier des querelles du XVIIIè siècle

Georgia Kondyli
Georgia Kondyli - Les Danaïdes ou les migrations d'un mythe

Stefania Panighini
Stefania Panighini - Analisi della messinscena del Così fan tutte

Rudolf Angermüller
Rudolf Angermüller - Così fan tutte auf europäischen Bühnen

Ghyslaine Guertin
Ghyslaine Guertin - L'Europe musicale d'après un migrant du XVIIIè siècle

Cécile Champonnois
Cécile Champonnois - Travellers and Amateur Opinions on XVIIIth Century


Elena Biggi Parodi
Elena Biggi Parodi - "Les Danaïdes" di Salieri diretta da Gaspare Spontini