Call for papers : “a small Santo Domingo collection
fund... in Mayenne”.
Summary of Article Proposals
In January 2023, Laurine Quetin (Revue Musicorum) and Cyril Daydé (Mayenne Departmental Archives) formed an editorial committee to jointly lead a publication project on the "small Saint-Domingue collection". At the same time, they launched a call for contributions from interested researchers and set up a scientific committee.
In the spring, the collection was fully digitised and put online on the Archives de la Mayenne website for easy access.
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This collection is part of the cartwright of the Château de Fresnay (Le Bourgneuf-la-Forêt), the private property of the de Maynard family. In 1830, when the nine boxes constituting the family history of the Chabanon, de Vezien and Pardaillan families were added to the other archives of the castle, Charles Gaspard, Marquis de Bailly and his wife, Victoire de Pardaillan, had been living there since 1815 after having restored it in 1811, on their return from Portugal. The coat of arms of the Marquis de Bailly is placed on the pediment of the castle, on the courtyard side, and those of the Count of Pardaillan, on the garden side.
The entire cart is deposited in the Archives de la Mayenne in Laval.
List of proposals received.
At the close of the call for papers, the proposals received allow us to consider the following summary after the preface (Cyril Daydé, Élise Druart and Laurine Quetin)
By way of introduction: unpublished sources
The "small Saint-Domingue collection": the destiny of an archive on both sides of the Atlantic [Cyril Daydé and Élise Druart]
Part One: The Context in Santo Domingo
State of play, denunciations of administrative abuses and suggestions for reforms in the "Considerations on the present state of the French colony of Saint-Domingue" (1776) by Michel René Hilliard d'Auberteuil [Jean-Jacques Tatin-Gourier]
Forms and uses of cartography in/from Santo Domingo [Bernard Gainot]
The itinerary of a French Violinist, from the Royal Academy of Music to the Cap-Français Comedy, Louis-François-Barthélémy Piffet (Amiens 1734 – Port-au-Prince 1779) ) [Bernard Camier]
French Military Music at the Time of the Saint-Domingue Expedition: The Testimony of Élie Brun-Lavainne (1803-1804) [Patrick Péronnet]
Part Two: Families in Attendance..., by Laurine Quetin
The Chabanons and Saint-Domingue: a family story
1- Genealogy Chabanon, de Vezien, Pardaillan, de Bailly
2- The Chabanon siblings in Santo Domingo: "Some circumstances of [our] life"
3- Marie-Laurence de Chabanon, from Saint-Domingue to Paris (1792-1799)
4- The separation of property between Marie-Laurence de Chabanon and J.-J.Bacon de la Chevalerie
"We must not disturb the public service for the sake of etiquette." The letters of the Duc de Penthièvre to Count Pierre de Pardaillan (1782-1791)
Part Three: ... their economic situation..., by Jean-Louis Donnadieu
Chabanon: a heritage with feet of clay
Vezien's home in Trou-du-Nord, a sugar factory among others
The Plaine Vaseuse, a large dwelling between decline and rebound
The "Suite" of Madeleine Bouchaud, Widow Chabanon (1780)
Part Four : ... and its network
The Robillards of Péronville, a family divided between the metropolis and Saint-Domingue [Élodie Gentier-Lambert]
Preparing for the American War from Saint-Domingue and Martinique (1777-1780): Perspectives between Pardaillan's "Journal" and Bouillé's "Memoirs" [Fadi El Hage]
All the topics proposed underline the desired multidisciplinary thematic approach. It is the result of different perspectives on the fund. Each one pays particular attention, according to his or her speciality and knowledge, to a period whose pivotal point is the arrival of the Revolution and the consequences on a society, families and individuals between Saint-Domingue and Paris.
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