This paper focuses on the German translations of Handel’s Italian operas. Using as a starting-point the Hamburg translations made in the composer’s lifetime, it expatiates on the Wagnerian Durchtextierung characteristic of the Handel Renaissance of the 1920s, under the aegis of Oskar Hagen. It then analyses some of the rewritings favoured in Nazi Germany. Such translations are pitted against the versions produced at the time of the German Democratic Republic, typically targeted towards the cultural needs and aspirations of the working-class. Such contextual elements enable us to account for the major differences between two types of translation, the “historically informed”, supposedly authentic translation current in Western Germany, and the more politically-charged versions traditionally used in Eastern Germany until the 1970s.
Haendel après Haendel :
Construction, renommée, influence de Haendel et de la figure haendélienne
Adrian La Salvia
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
La Renaissance de Haendel au miroir des traductions
Donald Burrows
Donald Burrows - Turning the Handel
Albert Gier
Albert Gier - Haendel à Karlsruhe
Adrian La Salvia
Adrian La Salvia - La Renaissance de Haendel au miroir des traductions
Annette Landgraf
Annette Landgraf - The German Belletristic Literature about Handel
Pierre Degott
Pierre Degott - From Facts to Fiction
Matthew Gardner
Matthew Gardner - The Great Mr Handel
Michael Burden
Michael Burden - When Giulio Cesare was not Handel's Giulio Cesare
Brian Robins
Brian Robins - John Marsh and Handel
Lionel Duguet
Lionel Duguet - La réception du Messie en France au XIXème siècle
Denis Tchorek
Denis Tchorek - Un exemple de transfert culturel
Steven Young
Steven Young - Handel Redux
Gilles Couderc
Gilles Couderc - Move over, Handel!
Jean-Philippe Heberlé
Jean-Philippe Heberlé - L'héritage haendélien et Michael Tippett
Ivan Curkovic
Ivan Curkovic - Men and/or Women
Maja Vukusic Zorica
Maja Vukusic Zorica - Les périgrinations du genre
Yaiza Bermudez Cubas
Yaiza Bermudez Cubas - Reflexiones de la musica del Haendel en el cine
Nathalie Vincent-Arnaud
Nathalie Vincent-Arnaud - Les métamorphoses de Terpsichore
Françoise Deconinck
Françoise Deconinck - Sharp, Haendel, Nares et les autres
Pierre Dubois
Pierre Dubois - The Changing Faces of Handelian Historiography