Acc1 responsables
Acc2a tatin
Acc1 responsables
Cont1 secrétariat
Cont1 secrétariat
Cont1 achats 3
Rev20 Comedy
Rev20 Comedy
Rev19 Chabanon
Rev18 Mal
Rev17 Querelles
Rev16 Oratorio
Rev15 Theatralite
Rev14 haendel
Rev13 hennin
Rev12 wagner
Rev11 debussy
Rev10 noverre
Rev9 gluck
Rev8 prokofiev
Rev7 haydn
Rev6 chabanon
Rev5 livret
Rev4 texte
Rev3 representations
Rev2 interpretation
Rev1 melanges
M1 Communications
M1 Communications
M1 Communications
M1 Communications
Rev1b signorile
Rev1c bougeret
Rev1d leblond
Rev1e quetin
Rev1a preface
Rev1f cervantes
Rev1g gier
Rev1h sandler
Rev1 melanges

This article deals with the libretto of Emmanuel Chabrier's last unifinished opera Briséis and its intertextual relations to Goethe's ballad Die Braut von Korinth (1797), Anatole France's drama Les Noces Corinthiennes (1875), Ephraim Mikhaël's and Bernard Lazare's Légende dramatique la Fiancée de Corinthe (1888). In this symbolistic drama, France's anticlericalism is replaced by the intimate and passionate aspects of the story. It seems that Chabrier found in Briséis (by E. Mikhaël and Catulle Mendès) a matter that reminded him of Wagner's Tristan ; Wagner's opposition between day and night finds his counterpart in the opposition between past (the time of paganism) and present (the time of Christian faith).


N° 1 g

Albert Gier

Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg

Omnia vincit amor, ou Chabrier entre Wagner et Anatole France

Marc Signorile
Marc Signorile - La musicologie et l'apport du raisonnement sociologique

Gérard Bougeret
Gérard Bougeret - Goût et musicologie

Chantal Leblond
Chantal Leblond - Le manifeste Aux abonnés de l'Opéra qui voudraient aimer l'opéra

Laurine Quetin
Laurine Quetin - Tarare de Beaumarchais et Salieri


Xavier Cervantes
Xavier Cervantes- "Untelligible Sing-song"

Albert Gier
Albert Gier - Chabrier entre Wagner et Anatole France

Julie Sandler
Julie Sandler - Bernanos -Poulenc : le dialogue des Carmélites
